Solutions / Use Cases

Further use cases

Versatile use cases with presono. Discover how presono is your solution even for atypical deployment scenarios.

In today's digital world, the requirements for presentations and content management are diverse and constantly changing. Companies are faced with the challenge of presenting their content not only in an appealing way, but also in a flexible and targeted manner. This is where presono comes in.

Imagine being able to seamlessly integrate your content into LinkedIn campaigns. With presono, this is possible. By using external share links in messages, you can not only share your content, but also gain valuable insights into how your audience interacts. This allows for targeted tracking and customization of your content to effectively deliver your message.

Integrating content on websites or internal platforms such as intranets can often be complex. With presono, this process is simplified. An external share link can be included as an iFrame on websites or intranet platforms, ensuring seamless integration and updating of content. In this way, customers such as Green Energy Lab have already integrated presono permanently on their website.

Before an important customer meeting, you can use presono to get a head start. By sending an external link ahead of time, you can specifically prepare for the customer meeting based on their interactions and interests.

And if you're looking for something unique, presono also offers gamification solutions. Imagine a quiz where questions are placed on slides and depending on the answer, appropriate overlays are displayed. This not only creates engagement, but also an interactive experience for the user.

With presono, there are countless possibilities. It's not just about presentations, it's about creating a memorable experience in different application areas. Companies such as Promedico or Segafredo are already using presono to map a wide variety of use cases while still being able to manage data centrally. For almost all industries and departments, presono holds corresponding benefits for the different use cases.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.

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