When it comes to customer relationship management, Michael Dermicek is our man of confidence. As a dedicated Sales & Key Account Manager, the 40-year-old from Linz has not only always an open ear for the wishes, questions and concerns of our customers - for an all-round perfect presentation experience, he is also always at their side with creative and innovative solutions. In the exciting presono talk, Michael reveals what particularly inspires him about this, the special tricks he uses to start his presentations and why he is a kind of brand ambassador.
In which area at presono do you work?
I work in Sales & Key Account Management.
Since when do you work at presono and how did you come to presono?
The software has fascinated me since its foundation and I have always followed the development of presono with great interest. In October 2018 I came to presono after a conversation with Hannes Freudenthaler, one of the three founders.
What is your role in the team and what does your working day look like?
As a key account manager, the support of our customers is particularly important to me. But I also acquire new customers and advise them on our product and service portfolio. In doing so, I am not only passionate about outlining the cost-benefit advantages that our tool can bring to a company, but also offer customers personal and reliable all-round support from the moment they sign the contract to the roll-out of the presentation software. Furthermore, I support the development of sales processes and market analyses and in the course of my networking activities I carry presono's message out into the world with great joy and passion.
What do you particularly like about your work?
I love to interact with people and maintain relationships. Maintaining good customer contacts is always my top priority. The fact that exactly this effort is seen and appreciated at presono, strengthens my daily work even more.
What do you like about the #nextgenerationofpresentation?
In the world of presentations there are countless challenges that companies are confronted with every day. presono is the first software that has managed to solve all presentation difficulties within a single tool while optimizing time and cost efficiency for users. This is unique and fascinating and I am proud to be part of the "Next Generation of Presentation".
What makes a good presentation in your eyes?
In my opinion, a rousing storytelling is an important basis for a successful presentation. presono supports perfectly and generates interactive, exciting wow-effects with unique features, which immediately captivate the viewers and keep the concentration of the audience high. A crisp insight into the respective topic completes the recipe for success.
What do you think is the absolute biggest no-go in a presentation?
Reading aloud avalanches of text, content that is too complicated and a corporate design that is not adhered to are absolute no-goes for me.
What do you like about presenting and what do you find the most difficult?
I simply love everything about presenting. The interaction and dialogue with the audience is especially important to me. I try to design my presentations in such a way that my listeners can actively ask questions at any time and at the same time I have the opportunity to receive, interpret and respond to non-verbal signals.

What do you prefer to talk about?
In addition to sports - here I am particularly interested in tennis, motor sports and soccer - I am particularly interested in topics such as sales and presentation techniques, company and organizational structures and cross-industry networking.
How do you prepare for an important presentation?
This depends on the type of presentation and, above all, on the audience. For example, when talking to customers, I gather as much customer-specific information as possible in advance and prepare suitable use cases from and with presono.
What is more important - preparation or improvisation talent?
Clearly, both! Preparation and improvisation go along and together ensure a well-rounded performance.
What is your personal mantra of happiness that you recall before you speak in front of people?
I have not set up a specific mantra. In order to focus and clear my head, I like to practice a few short breathing exercises before a presentation. This gives me the necessary inner peace, which is then usually quickly transferred to my counterpart. For me it is a good basis to start presentations and conversations in a relaxed, strengthened and self-confident way. By the way, a good way to boost your self-confidence shortly before a performance and to bundle personal strengths is to remember a nice feeling of success.
What do you like better?
a) Sleep late or get up early?
I used to be a real late riser. In the meantime, however, I have also discovered the advantages of the early morning hours for me.
b) Cooking or ordering food?
I love to cook - and have been doing so since I was eleven years old! No matter if Thai, Indian, Italian or traditional Austrian, with me everything comes on the table. Just recently I tried smoked rolls with semolina dumplings and mashed potatoes - tasted almost the same as mom's.
c) Outdoor sports or fitness studio?
I am a lover of ball sports of all kinds. In my childhood and youth I played handball, volleyball, basketball and tennis intensively. I still play tennis today and I am a volunteer team leader of a traditional club in Linz.
d) Films or series?
Both! I'm a real cineaste, swear on the IMDb bible and go to the cinema at least ten to twelve times a year. Not only do I appreciate good stories of different genres, but I am also enthusiastic about exceptional camera work, great acting or a captivating atmosphere. Unfortunately, I don't get to watch series very often at the moment. However, when I find the time, "Bull" is currently on the program.
e) City trip or relaxing vacation?
I like city trips, but I prefer even more a relaxing vacation by the sea. Corsica is for me the paradise in Europe, but exotic places like Costa Rica are also great. Next I plan a trip to America - from Texas to the West Coast with a final in Las Vegas. Thailand and Sardinia are also on the bucket list.
If you want to network with Michael, he can be reached via E-Mail, Facebook or LinkedIn.