Precise insights and detailed analyses to optimise your strategies

Use presono's comprehensive Analytics to gain valuable insights into internal and external user behaviour. Our platform offers detailed reports and precise analyses that specifically improve your marketing and sales strategies and optimise your decision-making.

Precise analyses

Gain in-depth insights into the internal and external effectiveness of your content to make fully founded decisions.

Customised reports

Use our interactive dashboard and various filters to create customised reports with clear and targeted data.

Real-time data

Track how your content is performing in real time and react immediately to changes in user behaviour.

Identify trends

Analyse data over longer periods of time to identify trends or patterns and understand long-term developments.

Create & Design Icon

Create & Design

Manage & Provide Icon

Manage & Provide

Present & Share Icon

Present & Share

Analysis & Insights Icon

Analysis & Insights

Connections & Integrations Icon

Connections & Integrations

External Analytics - insights into customer interest

With presono you will gain comprehensive insights into the behaviour of your customers when interacting with your content. When sharing links to your presentations or sessions externally, our detailed analytics will provide precise data on their usage:

  • Click rate: Track the number of clicks on your links.
  • Dwell time: Analyse how long users stay on your content.
  • Interaction behaviour: Gain insights into which slides and content visitors have viewed, how often and for how long.
  • Data export: Export data for further processing in third-party tools.
  • Customisable: Edit the duration of validity and various options for each of your links.

These insights help you to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your content, optimise your strategy in a focused way or follow up in a targeted manner.

Internal Analytics - usage by your team members

presono offers you powerful functions for analysing the internal use of your content in addition to external analytics:

  • Usage types: Analyse how your team members use the content.
  • Filter options: Use filters such as specific workspaces, languages or time periods for precise analyses and comparisons.
  • Data export: Export data as Excel or CSV for further processing in third-party tools.
  • Specific Analytics: Get detailed insights, for example into the use of individual terminals at trade fairs to see which content was opened particularly frequently.

This comprehensive data enables you to analyse the efficiency of usage and make decisions based on data.

Customised reports

Our platform offers you the possibility to display the data of your organisation clearly and comprehensibly. Customise your reports according to your needs and visualise the most important key figures to gain precise insights.

  • Customisation: Compile your reports according to your individual requirements.
  • Interactive functions: Use various filter options for targeted analyses by time period or language.
  • Versatile visualisation: Highlight relevant key figures and view data from different perspectives.
  • Extensive exports: Export data as Excel or CSV for further processing in third-party tools.

Optimise your data analysis and make informed decisions with customised reports.

Identifying and utilising long-term trends

presono allows you to analyse your data over longer periods and identify valuable trends or patterns. This long-term analysis helps you to track developments and make precise forecasts for your future marketing and sales strategies.

  • Data analysis over periods of time: Observe changes in user behaviour over weeks, months or years.
  • Interactive filters: Use various filter options for targeted analyses, for example to compare data from comparable time periods.
  • Trend identification: Recognise patterns and trends that are decisive for your strategy.
  • Informed forecasting: Make informed decisions for your long-term planning and strategy.

Use these insights to make targeted adjustments to your strategies and effectively pursue your long-term goals.

Would you like to take the impact of your presentations to a new level?

Contact us and experience how quickly and comprehensively you can gain valuable insights and analyses with presono.

and find out how easy impressive presentations can be.

Frequently asked questions about our software

The detailed insights enable you to optimise your target group approach and to initiate targeted and coordinated next steps.

Yes, you can view historical data to identify trends and analyse long-term developments.

You can easily export reports and share them with other team members or decision-makers.