Improve your training with our innovative software

Prepare your training materials in an interactive, appealing and dynamic way, manage content centrally and analyze which content was most important.

and experience how easy effective learning can be.

More than 10,000 users already rely on our software for training presentations

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Logo Segafredo
Logo Erema
Logo TGW
Logo Springer

Experience our powerful online software for trainings in action

Interactive training materials

Include interactive elements and even quiz questions to increase participant engagement and test their knowledge live.

Centralized content management

Manage and update training content centrally to ensure that trainers and participants are always up to date.

Data analysis

Internally, you can analyze which topics are shown particularly often/long and externally, which content your participants have been viewing again.

Flexible access

Present your content online and offline with our software and share the presentation with your participants via a link.

International success stories of our software

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Logo Prefa
Logo Springer
Logo Segafredo
Logo WFL
Logo Primetals
Logo Hödlmayr

"We were looking for a tool that works on a wide variety of end devices, offline and in multiple languages."

Susanne Reif-Peterlik Head of Marketing CEE Segafredo Zanetti Austria

Frequently asked questions about our software for training materials

With presono, you can present online and offline anytime and anywhere. There are native apps for all common devices (tablets, monitors, touchscreens and many more), for the Windows, Mac (MacOS), Android and iOS operating systems.

Of course, external sharing of the training materials is possible with just a few clicks. These links can then even be analyzed, giving you exclusive insights into the interests and behavior of the participants.

Yes - with our links, Overlays and interactive media elements, interactive exercises, quizzes and tests can be integrated directly into the presentation. This allows you to make the training more dynamic and memorable and at the same time check the level of knowledge of your participants in real time.

In presono there is a detailed permission structure where you can control exactly which user groups can access which content.

Yes, presono shows its advantages particularly well with internationally used training documents. It offers comprehensive translation management and centralized administration. Update your training content efficiently and on a one-time basis to ensure that consistent international standards apply.

Motivated and efficient learning with our software for online trainings

In today's dynamic business world, it has become commonplace in most industries for a job to come with opportunities for further training. However, complicated processes and inefficient offerings often lead to frustration rather than the desired result. With presono, this problem is a thing of the past.

Ensuring that all trainers and participants always use up-to-date documents is a major challenge in the training sector. Added to this is the complexity of multilingualism, which stands in the way of many training programs. However, our software for training presentations paves the way for access to professional training for everyone! Because training content in presono relies on central organization of your existing presentation content as well as individually-customizable slides and easy translation and updating options. So your next training course is guaranteed to be a success, whether you hold it internally or externally.


Would you like to take your training materials to a new level?

Contact us without any obligation and we will show you how you can use our software for training courses quickly and efficiently.

and experience how easy effective learning can be.

The advantages of a training presentation in presono

The presentation software from presono offers you numerous advantages:

  • The program relies on central administration of all content. This makes it possible for all trainers and participants to always work on the most up-to-date documents. This central administration is particularly interesting if you are organized decentrally or even internationally. The documents can be rolled out to all locations and countries with a single click.
  • The simple workflow also allows you to concentrate fully on the content: Provide sets of Slides as presentations that rely on interactive and creative elements, such as quiz questions
  • Share the materials with your participants after the training with just one click.
  • Thanks to the offline mode, you can give your presentation flexibly without having to rely on a constant internet connection.

presono as a partner for trainings, trade fairs & more

Our online software for training content is perfect for all those involved in training and further education - but that's not all.

With presono you get the opportunity to revolutionize your next trade fair appearance with interactive presentations and company introductions. Furthermore, you can present your products to your customers in a unique product catalog. With practical slides and templates, our software can also be used as a clear type of sales app. No matter what industry, no matter what use case - rely on the services of presono and revolutionize your way of presenting.

trade fair