Plastics Industry

Deliver consistent presentations that simplify technical complexity. The plastics industry, a sector with steady growth, faces a multitude of challenges. Technical data sheets, environmental regulations, international trade relations and markets, different target groups and a multitude of product variations characterize everyday life. Added to this is the pressure to always appear up-to-date and professional at trade fairs and in showrooms, often accompanied by cost-intensive isolated solutions.

In a market with high competitive pressure, a consistent brand presence is essential. Despite controversial discussions about environmental impact, plastics remains a growing industry. But with growth comes new challenges, such as recycling and the circular economy, which require a realignment of the industry.

Why presono is the answer

With presono, companies in the plastics industry are provided an ideal tool to present their complex products and services in an appealing and consistent manner. Our platform not only enables the simple and appealing presentation of technical data sheets and environmental requirements, but also the efficient management of international content. Interactive presentations that simplify technical data and highlight environmentally friendly initiatives are a breeze with presono. At the same time, our platform ensures consistent branding across all presentation materials. Well-known companies such as EREMA, Haidlmair and Greiner Packaging International already rely on the benefits of presono.

The advantages at a glance

presono is revolutionizing the way the plastics industry presents its products and services. Instead of focusing on the details, our platform allows them to focus on the solutions they provide. This creates a unique customer experience that convinces and builds trust. The challenges facing the industry are not only addressed by our platform, but also solved. The result? A stronger brand image, happier customers and a competitive advantage in a highly competitive market. With the growing need for sustainable solutions, presono helps companies effectively communicate their recycling and circular economy efforts, align their brand messaging accordingly, and position themselves as sustainability leaders.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.