Advantages / Design & Create

Template sets for starting

Discover the advantages of presono's prepared templates and standard template sets. Save time, get inspiration and create impressive presentations that inspire your target audience.

With presono, you will find a large number of prepared templates as soon as you start using the platform. These are freely available to you and can be used, adapted and reused in your own presono environment as you wish. In addition, we offer special standard template sets that are optimized for specific use cases such as trade fair presentations. These sets can also be further customized according to your individual requirements.

In total, there are over 20 different template sets available to you, covering different styles - from clean and business-like to creative and dynamic. These serve as a starting point or inspiration for your own presentations. Our experienced designers have developed these templates and slides specifically for different use cases, so you can benefit from their expertise.

Furthermore, some fonts are already integrated into the tool, which you can use freely. This gives you the opportunity to start directly with professional designs and save time. You can build on the existing templates and work with them directly or use them as inspiration for your individual presentations.

We understand that getting started with a new platform can sometimes be challenging. That's why we're here to help you create your first slides, presentations, templates, views, catalogs, overviews, trade show apps, and other content and use cases. With our many years of experience from numerous customer projects and areas of application, we can support you and give you valuable tips.

Using our prepared templates allows you to get started right away and create impressive presentations. You save valuable time because you don't have to start from scratch, but can build on existing templates. In addition, you get inspiration and can implement your ideas in a creative way.

Take advantage of presono templates and get started with convincing designs. Impress your audience and stand out from the crowd with professional presentations.

Learn more about our templates and take your presentation and other marketing and sales projects to the next level. Contact our team for more information or schedule a free demo to experience the benefits for yourself.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.