Release Notes: Translation management, new design and much more!


New functions available now:

  1. Manage translations
  2. Improvements in the presentation editor
  3. Choose language when creating a slide
  4. Content structure in new design!
  5. presono is now also available in French
  6. Several bugfixes and improvements

Manage translations

Managing translations of a slide is available now! Translations can be set, changed or deleted; a new language can also be assigned to a version if it was mistakenly set otherwise. In addition, the slide preview image can be enlarged to see more, and the title of the slide can be edited! This administration can be accessed via multiselect, in the three-dot menu of a slide or directly in a slide. Read more about this soon in our knowledge base!

Improvements in the presentation editor

In the presentation editor now some smaller and bigger improvements are ready to be discovered. For example, the layers bar on the right can collapsed. The preview mode has been improved and the various (warning) notes can now be hidden for this session.

Choose language when creating a Slide

When a slide is created, it is now possible to specify which language the current slide should be, when saving it. Also, when duplicating slides, you can now choose which of the translations to duplicate.

Content Structure in new design!

The content structure with all filters and icons has a new design now. As a result, the media and documents have also been combined into one filter. These visual revisions can be found everywhere, the content structure is used.

presono interface now available in French!

The entire presono user interface with all buttons and functions is now available not only in German and English, but also in French!

Multiple Bugfixes and improvements

  • Double-click to switch between template and slide for custom layouts
  • Improvements in screenshotting of slides
  • Improvements in pasting copied text from clipboard
  • Button for changing account data
  • PDF can be generated later if it was not possible during the Session
  • Improvements in group notifications
  • Filtering for groups in analytics


To use these new functions in the app, an update is necessary. Find here the latest versions:

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