Release Notes: Media Gallery Filters, Media Translations and so much more!


Improved functions:

  1. Media Gallery Filters
  2. Media Translations
  3. Download individual Slides as PDF
  4. New Video Player

Media Gallery Filters

Media Galleries can now be used for even more use cases! This new feature allows you to use filters in the Gallery and thus filter the contained media. The filters are created and managed within in the slide. These filters can be used for product configurations, locations, references and so much more!

If you are interested in this feature, please contact us at or get in touch with your contact person at our company directly for activation!

Media Translations

Not only Slides can be translated from now on, but media files can be translated too! So a product video or folder is now created in one language and can then expanded with as many translations as you like. And the best part? When a Slide is translated, the translated media file is used automatically!

Download individual Slides as PDF

Not only Presentations or Sessions can be exported as PDF, now this is also possible for single Slides!

New video player

There was a complete rework of our video player! On the one hand the performance has been improved, but also many new features have been added! In addition to the existing video settings, the advanced video controls can now be activated. This allows you to reset the video to the beginning, jump back and forth 5 seconds at a time, or set the video to fullscreen. Try it out!

Various bug fixes & improvements

  • Sort Templates in Template Set
  • Performance improved for PDFs in Slides


To use these new functions in the app, an update is necessary. Find here the latest versions:

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