

Connect presono to your DAM systems for efficient digital asset management: presono's DAM interface allows you to seamlessly integrate your digital asset management (DAM) systems. This allows you to import, update and centrally manage your digital assets such as videos, images and PDFs directly from DAM. Save time, avoid redundant work and take advantage of an integrated platform.

An optional module of the presono platform is the seamless integration with DAM systems. Through the DAM interface, you can effortlessly connect your existing DAM systems such as CELUM, Bynder, 4ALLPORTAL, Adobe Experience Cloud, Aprimo, Censhare, Pixelbox and others. This integration allows you to efficiently manage your digital assets and use them directly in presono.

Thanks to the DAM interface, you can seamlessly import and synchronize your content from the DAM system into presono. This includes videos, images, PDFs and other digital assets. Updates and changes to content in the DAM are automatically applied to presono, so your presentations and sales materials are always up to date.

Using the DAM interface offers you numerous advantages. You save yourself the duplication of content management work, as your digital assets are maintained centrally in the DAM and changes are automatically transferred to presono. This allows for efficient content updates and consistent usage across different platforms.

In addition, the DAM interface simplifies integration into your existing IT landscape. You can smoothly connect your DAM system with presono and benefit from the advantages of both platforms. This facilitates the management and use of your digital assets and ensures a smooth workflow.

Note: Currently, an integration to CELUM exists as a standard interface. Further integrations can and will be developed and added according to specific customer needs.

For companies that are looking for effective management of their digital assets but may not want to implement a separate DAM solution, presono offers a comprehensive alternative. The presono platform enables centralized management, categorization, and rights assignment for digital content, which is especially beneficial for use by users and user groups.

By using presono as a media database, you can easily organize and access your digital assets. The platform provides basic content management capabilities, enables direct access to the original of uploaded files, and ensures consistent use across different presentations and sales materials.

If you are considering implementing a DAM system but mainly need a comprehensive media database, presono is an ideal solution. You can benefit from the centralized management and extensive features presono already offers to efficiently leverage your digital assets and optimize your marketing and sales materials.

Whether you choose to integrate a DAM system via presono's DAM interface or use the platform as a standalone media database, you get a powerful solution to effectively manage your digital assets and improve your workflow.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.

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