

Simplified translation processes using XLIFF interface: Effortlessly export and import your presentations in XLIFF format for efficient translations.

The XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) interface in presono allows you to seamlessly integrate translation tools. XLIFF files are XML-based file formats specifically designed for translation. They offer the possibility to keep formatting and manage different languages. From now on, we also offer export in JSON format to ensure compatibility with an even wider range of translation tools.

With the XLIFF feature in presono, you can easily translate your slides, presentations as well as prepared representations of data sheets, product catalogs, trade show apps and other marketing and sales documents. You have the option to save multiple language versions and conveniently switch between them during use or presentation. This feature makes it much easier to create and update multilingual presentations. Through the XLIFF interface, you can export slides as XLIFF files, send them to a translation agency and seamlessly import the edited file into presono. This makes the translation process more efficient and allows you to effortlessly manage your content in different languages.

Note: Our XLIFF interface is based on the latest XLIFF standard (XLIFF 2.0) and supports convenient translation of your content based on this standard.

Depending on the presono package you choose, the XLIFF module is already included for you or can be added as an additional module. By integrating XLIFF, you can optimize the translation process of your content. Exports and imports can be done either via workspaces or directly via the presentation. When exporting, all areas to be translated, formatting and even titles of slides and documents are taken into account.

After you have created or received the translated XLIFF files, you can easily import them back into presono. The import process allows you to automatically save the updated translations in your workspaces.

Use presono's XLIFF interface to streamline the process of translating and managing multilingual content. Simplify your translation workflows and ensure that your presentations in different languages are always up-to-date and correct. By managing translations efficiently, you save time, simplify usage in different regions and improve communication with your international audience.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.

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