

PPT Import/Export: Boundlessly flexible and compatible: With the PPT Import/Export module presono breaks the barrier between the familiar working environment in Microsoft PowerPoint and our innovative platform. This function allows you to import PPTX files into presono and export content from presono into a PPTX file.

Import: Seamless integration of existing content.

By importing your PowerPoint presentations into presono, you also open up the diverse possibilities of our platform for existing content. Individual slides are created in presono from the slides of the imported PPTX files, which retain their content and design as far as possible. This way, you retain familiar elements and can benefit from presono's advantages at the same time.

The media that is automatically imported during the import process is saved and is available for later use within the platform. So take advantage of images and videos from your PowerPoint files to use them in new contexts and enrich your content.

Export: Universal availability of your content

With the PPT Export module you can export your presentations and slides created in presono to a PPTX file. This allows you to reuse the content in different contexts and on different platforms to meet your needs and those of your customers. Use the strengths of presono and PowerPoint in combination to bring the best of both worlds to your presentations.

Simplification and efficiency.

The PPT Import/Export module simplifies the work with your presentation content. By importing PPTX files into presono, you can simplify the process of creating slides and save time. Exporting presono content to a PPTX file allows you to use your content flexibly in different contexts, increasing the efficiency of your work.

Compatibility and adaptability.

We understand that marketing and sales requirements are constantly evolving. Therefore, the PPT Import/Export module provides the flexibility and compatibility needed to meet changing requirements and always ensure a seamless, efficient workflow.

Note: The import and export functions are based on currently supported versions and file formats of Microsoft PowerPoint (as of 2021). Not all elements and formatting can be imported. For a detailed description of supported features and possible limitations, see our technical documentation.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.

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