Product / Design & Create

WYSIWYG editor

Unleash creativity and control with our intuitive WYSIWYG editor. Design compelling content and presentations that are to the point and visually appealing. The editor is modeled on existing and familiar solutions to give you an easy way to get started and a wide range of options.

Creating and editing views, slides, pages, overlays and presentations has never been easier. Our WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) provides a variety of features that let you not only create templates, but also design slides based on those templates. You can define areas, manage layers, and create groupings to help organize your content. Determine which areas are purely design elements or fields that can be filled with content. Take advantage of the wide range of content elements - from images and videos to PDFs, text, 3D object viewers, Media Journey, iFrames, tables, code snippets, and image galleries.

Fine-tuning your content is just as important as the rough design lines. The WYSIWYG editor gives you extensive design options for each content type. Specify video autoplay settings, define whether PDFs are displayed full screen, and more. Specify fonts and font sizes, and add colors that are either fixed or available for selection. The editor lets you create lists, bullets, and indents to add structure to your texts.

For a smooth working experience, the WYSIWYG editor provides a grid and a ruler that facilitates the exact positioning and alignment of elements. Links can be applied to entire elements such as icons, graphics, or buttons, as well as to individual sections of text to enable interactive navigation. Choose from numerous linking options, including links to slides, views, entire presentations, external websites, or overlays.

The WYSIWYG editor is not limited to design. It also offers a translation view to customize content in different languages. In addition, you can specify whether elements should be animated one after the other or simultaneously in a slide. Use the template editor to define animations for areas, or break away from the template to do more advanced design. With sufficient permissions, you can even create CSS definitions. The editor also offers the ability to store notes for the second screen, so you have all the information you need at your fingertips during your presentation.

presono's WYSIWYG editor puts you in control of your content. It allows you to create visually appealing and customized content that engages your audience and conveys your message clearly and effectively. Maximize your marketing and sales productivity, enhance your presentations and experience the feeling of true creative freedom. Embrace the power of presono WYSIWYG Editor and take your representations of all types of content to the next level.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.

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