Advantages / Manage & Provide

Completely independent work

With presono you have full control over your content and configuration. No agencies or service providers are mandatory. Create presentations, digital product catalogs, trade show apps & more using existing templates or design completely new content - and manage it all without external help. With presono, you have full control.

You want to work independently and have your presentation processes completely in your own hands? With presono, you are not dependent on agencies or other service providers. The platform allows you to create, configure and manage your content yourself. Although a large number of templates, presentations and slides are already available, you also have the freedom to create completely new content according to your individual requirements.

The user-friendly interface and intuitive tools allow you to create presentations quickly and efficiently without relying on external support. You have full control over the entire process, from the creation and maintenance of slides, presentations and media to the presentation and subsequent follow-up and evaluation.

Even if you want to collaborate with partners, agencies or other service providers, this is easily possible with presono. The tool offers extensive functions for user administration and rights management. You can define exactly which user is allowed to see which content and what permissions they have on this content. Even the individual types of content per workspace can be set specifically to ensure fine-grained control.

Thanks to role and permission management, you can clearly define responsibilities and distribute tasks among different team members. Everyone can collaborate efficiently within the tool, performing their individual tasks while still interacting seamlessly with other users. Integrating partners, agencies or service providers into your processes is thus smooth and time-saving.

With presono, you gain the freedom to independently create and manage your marketing & sales documents for a wide range of applications. Say goodbye to dependencies and increase your efficiency. Make the decisions that drive your business and use the full potential of the platform to optimize your presentation process and be successful.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.