Product / Manage & Provide


Consistent branding made easy. Ensure corporate design in all your presentations and other digital marketing and sales materials.

Compliance with corporate design specifications and guidelines is essential for a consistent brand presence and the recognizability of your company. With presono, implementing your corporate design is easier than ever by centrally managing color definitions, fonts and a consistent look & feel, making it easy for all users to apply.

Our platform allows you to define templates for the visual appearance of presentations, product catalogs, trade show apps and other digital marketing and sales materials. It clearly defines where and how content can be placed, inserted and be used by users. This guarantees that your logo always appears in the right place and at the right size, fonts are consistent, and the color palette exactly matches your corporate design specifications.

Thanks to the templates and possibilities of the WYSIWYG editor, it is easy for your employees to create modern and appealing content without having to be creative themselves or worry about whether the branding is implemented correctly. This results in catalogs, micro-presentations, app-like conversions, and presentations that are all designed in the same way and in a modern way as well.

The permission management in presono allows you to individually control access to templates and central design settings. This way, you always have control who is allowed to see and use which templates and/or who is responsible for managing design settings. Central management of media assets ensures that the latest and correct logo is always used - without additional effort. For advanced users and agencies, presono additionally offers the possibility to store their own CSS definitions in the administration.

The connection to Adobe Color allows you to reuse your definitions from the Creative Cloud and thus save time and effort in maintaining your design specifications. With presono, you have a powerful solution at your side that implements your branding in a professional and consistent way in all your presentations and digital marketing materials as well as sales documents.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.