Product / Manage & Provide

User & Rights Management

Flexible user & rights management for efficient collaboration. Easy management of users, groups and access rights - individually configurable.

presono's user and rights management enables individual and flexible design of access and editing rights for users and groups. The integrated rights structure allows precise configuration of permissions so that each team member can use exactly those functions and content that are relevant to their role and tasks. Central administration of users and groups simplifies administration and ensures the security of your content.

Permissions can be assigned at both the individual user and group level. Users can be divided into groups to manage shared permissions and access rights. Each workspace and content type can be configured individually, with gradations such as "no access," "view," "edit," "create," and "delete." Predefined roles, such as administrator, creator, or presenter, can be assigned or custom roles can be created individually.

Granular rights assignment enables precise control of access rights to content such as templates, media, documents, slides, and presentations. Additional features, module access, and settings can be defined individually to meet the unique needs of marketing, product management, sales, and other teams. These include category management, user management, or permission to detach from CD defaults, as well as the ability to share external and access sessions or analytics.

Permissions management also extends to template creation and use. Here you can specify exactly what types of content users can include or use, and how graphical elements such as colors and logos must or may be used.

An optional interface to Active Directory (via SAML) allows users and groups to be managed via an external tool. This also allows the use of SingleSign-On (SSO) for seamless integration into your existing IT infrastructure.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.