Product / Manage & Provide

Translation Management

Easy internationalization: Multilingual content management made easy. Manage translated content efficiently and centralized.

Managing multilingual content can quickly become confusing, especially when different versions of presentations, trade show apps or product catalogs need to be created in different languages. presono offers an efficient solution to this problem by allowing companies to manage and centrally organize translations directly in the tool.

In presono, each slide can have multiple "layers" on which different language versions of the content are stored. Users can thus decide in which language they need and want to display content before presenting or sharing it. The system greatly simplifies the management of language-dependent content and saves companies the tedious task of manually organizing different versions. In addition, users can save their preferred language for content in the tool to further facilitate their work.

For companies already working with translation management systems (translation memory systems, TMS for short) such as Trados, Wordfast, Across or memoQ, presono offers the XLIFF module. This module allows content to be easily exported as XLIFF or JSON files with the appropriate structure and then re-imported after translation. In this way, existing translation workflows can be integrated into the presono system and collaboration with translation agencies or internal translation departments & teams can be optimized.

In addition, presono enables the deposit of translated media files to an original file. Instead of having multiple language versions of videos, PDFs or other media in a central drive, there is only one file that serves as the media content. The user can then switch between language versions or the system automatically selects the correct version based on the language used in the application or presentation. This makes it easier to update content in different language versions and ensures a more efficient workflow.

Notifications inform users about changes to content in use in their chosen language. This way, everyone stays up to date and can react accordingly to ensure that the content presented is always up-to-date and correct.

presono's translation management contributes significantly to the simplification and optimization of translation processes. The ability to manage translations directly in the tool creates a centralized location for all language-dependent versions of presentations, trade show apps, product catalogs, and other digital collateral used by marketing & sales teams. The seamless integration of presono into existing translation workflows and the ability to collaborate with translation agencies as well as internal translation departments and teams makes it a powerful solution for companies with an international focus.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.