Product / Manage & Provide

Notifications & Feedback

Optimize communication and information flow. Smart notifications & feedback function for efficient collaboration.

presono includes an innovative notification system that makes the information flow within your company efficient and seamless. When changes are made to content that is relevant to specific users or teams, they are automatically notified. This keeps everyone up to date without the need to send separate emails or messages.

For example, the system notifies sales staff when someone from the marketing team makes updates to the company presentation or when product management adjusts technical data sheets and product overviews. As a result, everyone involved automatically receives a notification including a link to the relevant content, which speeds up the flow of information and simplifies collaboration.

Another practical function of presono is sending feedback. This function is available for all content types and makes it possible to send feedback, suggestions or requests regarding content or presentations directly from the tool. Feedback can be given in the content management and editor as well as during the presentation mode. This facilitates communication between different departments, teams or even customers.

For example, a sales representative who does not have permission to customize a particular slide can still send feedback about an update or an error found to the responsible people. In the same way, customer feedback can be captured during a presentation and forwarded directly to the responsible departments.

Once the feedback has been processed and the necessary changes have been made, the original sender receives feedback. This saves time and communication effort via other channels and ensures that all parties involved are always kept up to date.

Overall, presono's notification and feedback system provides an effective solution to optimize information flow and collaboration within your organization. By automating notifications and enabling feedback directly in the system, you can speed up your internal processes and improve employee and customer satisfaction. The result is increased efficiency and productivity that positively impacts your business.

With presono's notification and feedback system, you always stay up to date and can react quickly to changes or requirements. This ensures that your presentations and content are always up-to-date and meet the needs of your customers and colleagues.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.