Advantages / Present & Share

Evaluate internal usage

Use presono's comprehensive evaluation options to optimize your internal content and sales activities and target your customers' interests.

presono is not just about presenting content, but also about improving your internal processes and making data-driven decisions. With our powerful analytics, you can evaluate the usage of your slides, presentations, media and more in detail. Get a comprehensive view of the content that is shown most often, gets the longest attention, or generates the most interest. Individually controllable permissions let you ensure that the right people have access to these evaluations.

The evaluations provide you with a sound basis for optimizations and enhancements of your content. For example, identify those slides or topics that are shown particularly frequently and use this knowledge to make targeted improvements and provide more content on these relevant areas. You can also adapt the visual presentation of your presentations to actual usage to ensure even more effective communication. Filter options allow you to specify evaluations according to various criteria such as user groups, time periods, or workspaces and gain detailed insights into specific usage patterns.

presono's extensive evaluation options not only provide you with insights into the internal use of your content, but also allow you to analyze visitor interactions and interests in kiosk mode at trade fairs and in showrooms. You receive objective evaluations and, based on the data collected, you can optimize your sales strategy and specifically address the needs of your customers. The insights gained support you in managing your sales and maximizing your sales potential.

In addition to internal analysis, you have the option of downloading the evaluations as CSV files and processing them externally. This gives you the freedom to use your data in other tools or systems and create comprehensive reports. Use presono's extensive analysis functions to optimize your sales activities, better understand your customers and make data-based decisions.

Learn more about presono's reporting capabilities and how they can help you optimize your internal processes and successfully manage sales. Contact our team today for more information or schedule a free demo.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.