Advantages / Present & Share

Flexible presenting

Use presono's flexibility to create interactive presentations that adapt individually to each conversation. Create immersive customer experiences, increase the efficiency of your sales team, and increase the likelihood of closing with customers.

With presono, you have the ability to make presentations flexible and interactive. Instead of sticking to a rigid path or sequence of slides, you can build your presentation like an app or website. Incorporate interactive elements like buttons, jumping off points, menus, hubs, and links. Like an app, your presentation may consist of only one starting slide from which all other content is linked. This allows each participant to use the same presentation, but individually choose the path that is relevant to the current conversation. The presentation accompanies the conversation by flexibly navigating to the content based on the customer's needs. You have the freedom of not having to open or present all links and slides, but only those that are needed in the current session. No matter what you call it: Presentation, Sales App, Trade Show Tool - you get the chance to target your counterpart.

In addition, presono's "Enter" menu offers further flexible options during the presentation. Without having to end the presentation, you can access all content and insert it into the running presentation in real time. Both online and offline, all synchronized data can be retrieved and inserted. You can add complete presentations, individual slides or even media on the fly. Changing the content language is also possible with just one click.

presono's interactive presentation creation opens up a wide range of possible applications. Of course, you can use it in direct customer meetings and respond to individual questions or conversation progressions. But the flexibility also enables other applications. Use your presentation as an interactive app for your trade fair stand, on info screens in the entrance area for independent information gathering or as a digital product catalog for mailing. As long as your presentation is self-explanatory and intuitive to use, it can be used for both accompanied and unaccompanied deployments. There are no limits to your creativity. You can also use the presono presentation for LinkedIn campaigns, on your website or as content in newsletters.

The immediate advantage of the flexible presentation is that you are not trapped in rigid paths. You can respond to any questions or conversation progressions at any time and customize the conversation. The multiple functions enable dynamic conversation management and the use of jumping off points that arise in the sales or consulting conversation. They support storytelling and create a professional and individual experience for the customer. Individualized scoring and conversation management allow you to better argue customer value and target leads and prospects. As a result, you increase the productivity of your sales team and increase the likelihood of closing deals with customers.

Learn more about presono's flexibility and how you can create interactive presentations that engage your audience. Contact our team today for more information or schedule a free demo to experience the benefits for yourself.

We would be happy to explain more details, possibilities and resulting benefits of our platform to you. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo to see how our platform can help you easily present sales content in different use cases, increase marketing productivity, stand out from the competition and increase your revenue.