Joining Forces: presono and E-CONOMIX Group Set New Standards for Sales Digitization in Austria


Many domestic companies are struggling with challenges such as inefficient presentation methods, fragmented information and the difficulty of accurately capturing customer interests. With the e-commerce specialists of the E-CONOMIX Group, we have found the ideal partner to support companies in this change. Our goal is to set new standards in the digitalization of sales in Austria and to combine the best of both worlds.

Seamless transition between the digital and physical sales worlds

The E-CONOMIX Group is excellently positioned digitally, from lead generation to online marketing and sales. However, there is a general technological gap that many companies struggle with when it comes to meeting customers in person, which we are now closing with presono. Our platform enables companies to present themselves convincingly not only online, but also live. The partnership with the E-CONOMIX Group thus creates a unique seamless transition between the digital and physical sales worlds.

The cooperation also allows us to strategically incorporate the expertise of the E-CONOMIX Group into the further development of our tool. "We are very pleased to accompany presono in its next development step and to continue the success story together", say Michael Raberger and Bernhard Aichinger, managing partners of the E-CONOMIX Group. We are also supported by the Upper Austrian family office VGW GmbH & Co KG, with whom we have been in contact for some time and which is now providing additional tailwind in a current investment round - in which the E-CONOMIX Group has also participated - as lead investor together with existing investors.

Michael Raberger and Bernhard Aichinger, Managing Partners of the E-CONOMIX Group/ Credit E-CONOMIX Group

Companies confirm effective sales support

Well-known companies such as the innovative vehicle logistics company Hödlmayr, which we support as a digital companion, benefit from this. "With presono, we can present our comprehensive range of services along the entire supply chain in an interactive and exciting way. This not only promotes a deeper understanding of our services, but also strengthens collaboration and creates sustainable relationships with employees, customers and other stakeholders," confirms Marlene Forrai, Head of Corporate Marketing & Communication at Hödlmayr. The strategic alliance with the E-CONOMIX Group ensures that companies receive the best possible technological support in an increasingly digital world, enabling them to increase their efficiency and sales in a targeted manner and to achieve their sales goals in the best possible way.

Our tips for successful sales digitization: The 6 key steps

We don't just want to share the news about our partnership with the E-CONOMIX Group, we also want to share our top tips for digitizing sales. After all, to be successful in the modern business world, it's not just about having the right tools, it's also about using them in the right way. The following steps can help you successfully drive the digitalization of sales in your company:

  1. Analyze your existing processes: Before you start digitizing your sales, it is important to analyze your existing sales processes. Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas that could benefit from digitization.
  2. Train your employees: Adopting new technologies requires the cooperation of all team members. Train your employees to ensure they can use the new tools effectively, and take the time to build acceptance of the changes.
  3. Make your success measurable: A major benefit of digitization is the ability to collect and analyze data. Make sure you use this data holistically to measure the success of your overall processes and make adjustments across departments.
  4. Rely on centralized data management: The use of centralized data management solutions is proving to be extremely beneficial for businesses of all sizes. The ability to access data and processes from any location helps employees work more efficiently and respond more flexibly to customer requests.
  5. Automate processes: By automating recurring processes, companies can not only save time, but also minimize sources of error. Look for software solutions that can take care of repetitive tasks, freeing up employees for other customer-facing tasks and strategic planning.
  6. Rely on customers, employees, and experts: The digitization of sales is an ongoing process that is constantly changing. Successful implementation requires openness to constant review, adaptation and optimization. Due to the complexity of digitalization, it is often necessary to rely on specific expertise. To maximize the potential of digitalization, it is advisable to bring in external experts.

National and international companies such as coffee specialist Segafredo Zanetti, KUKA, the world's leading provider of intelligent robotics, machinery and systems, and plastics recycling expert EREMA are already benefiting from our digitalization advantages. If you're ready to take the next step toward digitalizing your sales or optimizing your existing strategies, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to support and accompany you on your digitalization journey.

PS: If you want to not only improve your B2B sales, but also boost your B2B marketing, we have the most important tips, tools and trend information for you here.